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Editor’s picks

Unlocking the Potential of Wellness Scans

Why (and how to) introduce wellness scans to all of your patients

Sleep apnea dental appliance

Oral appliances for sleep apnea: Which are the best and do they work?

Digital Bundle

Intraoral scanners: Brand comparison, uses, and more [Read before investing]


All resources

Dental molds as trash

How to become a more sustainable dental practice

Dental office equipment

Dental office equipment worth every penny 

Inside of beautiful dental office with plants

Low-maintenance plants to brighten up your dental office

Dental office decor tips and where to buy art

A doctor communicating with a patient in the chair

How to introduce your dental patients to new technology

Organized dental tray of instruments

4 dental office organization ideas to improve productivity

digital dental impression being taken

Why dental practice owners should make digitization a priority

Five lumbar stretches for dentists who work with their backs hunched

Dandy digital labs

What factors into a patient going to a dentist

Dr. Len Tau

Dr. Len Tau’s tips for what to do when you get a bad patient review

3 tips to improve patient satisfaction at the dentist

3 tips to improve patient satisfaction at the dentist

A doctor communicating with a patient in the chair

How to deal with difficult patients and ease their concerns 

Cash money and dentistry tools

What’s the lifetime value of a dental patient?